People To Know

People to know (PTK) is a digital curated list of creators meant to help us shift our thinking and break out of the chamber. By finding some of the amazing work that isn’t on our radar, we will be inspired, and hopefully open ourselves up to new and exciting partners. Inclusivity is imperative. We will do our part to help those who deserve to be seen and heard, and through those efforts, make our work stronger. These are all people we should all know.

The PTK identity combines the concepts of diversity and inclusion. To communicate how voices of underrespresented creators are changing the landscape we identified four areas of creation (Visual, Film, Audio, and More). Each category features its own geometric shape that come together in a contemporary composition that is bold and refined. It’s a signature, a stamp of quality, and a symbol of pride for all of us to rally behind.

GLOBAL ECD: Shayne Millington + Piper Hickman
Ricardo Munoz + Nick Ciomperlik
Designer: Brandi Dewberry
Junior Designer: Malik Dupree


Microsoft Holiday: 2020


Microsoft Pride 2020